
Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Racial discrimination within the criminal justice process in England Essay

Racial discrimination within the criminal justice process in England and Wales - Essay Example The United Nations Human Rights Committee highlighted some racial discrimination issues in the UK in 2001 especially the high number of the black population in prisons and unlawful stops and searches. Although, the criminal justice system has changed the approach to investigating and sentencing racially motivated crimes, the courts still have the powers to increase the sentence for the racially motivated crimes. This discrimination leads to victimisation of the ethnic minorities by the same institutions that are tasked with safeguarding their rights. Bowling (1998) is of the idea that racial discrimination exists at all stages of criminal justice system from police profiling of offenders on the basis of race, police mistreatment of the offenders in their custody and imposition of harsher judicial penalties to members of particular races (Brown, 1984). Racial stereotyping and prejudices by the officers in the judicial system leads to overrepresentation of members of a particular race in the prison system. Discriminatory law enforcement tactics such as unwarranted stop and searches towards citizens of a particular race and counter-terrorism tactics that aim at invading the privacy of members of a particular race contribute to the undermining and violation of the fundamental human rights of these citizens. Sudbury (2005b) points out that Article 1 of the Convention for the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD), any distinction, preference or restriction that is based on descent, race or ethnic origin which has the effect of impairing the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms can be termed as a form of racial discrimination (McKenzie, 1998). Racial discrimination in the criminal justice system in the UK has attracted intense international debate and condemnation leading to a declaration of several global conferences on racism, xenophobia and racial discrimination. The Crime and Disorder Act 1998 created several offenses that are lin ed with racial violence, harassment and public disorder and provided the maximum sentence (McKenzie, 1998). However, the Act increased racial discrimination in police profiling and prosecution of racially motivated offenses. It is a legal obligation for the law enforcement officers to use their powers of stop and search in a fair manner without discriminating the citizens on the basis of race or ethnic grouping (Malleson, 2007). Racial discrimination is evidenced in racial police profiling especially in police stops and searches (Mhlanga, 1997). Law enforcement authorities use racial stereotypes in determining who has been involved in a criminal activity. Racial origins will sometimes influence the law enforcement officers’ decisions in making an arrest. In the case of suspected juvenile crimes, the police officers take in to account the demeanor and race of the juvenile in deciding whether to make an arrest. If the law enforcement officers perceive that the offender is disre spectful, there are higher chances of arrests especially for the racial minorities. Some researchers have argued that black minorities are more likely to be shot during police arrests since the police officers use disproportionately more deadly force while making the arrests (Moorthy, Cahalin and Howard, 2004). Waters (1990) suggests

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sense and Essay Essay Example for Free

Sense and Essay Essay Copy down at least three descriptions that connect to at least three of the following senses: a. visualb. tastec. hearingd. touch e. smell 3. Write down the author’s main point. Actually copy his main point from the essay so I can see that you see his thesis. 4. What are five words (diction) that you find interesting that the author uses to describe anything in the essay? Explain each word in a sentence that tells me why you think the word is interesting. 5. Why does the author compare the farm to a boat? Why do you like this or not. Explain in two sentences. . Explain why you would or would not like to be a part of the scene the author describes. Provide one quote/description that you like and explain why you like it. OR provide one quote/description you dislike, explain why you dislike it, and then rewrite it so that it is better in your opinion. 7. Then write a descriptive essay that models â€Å"Summer Wind† using ONE of the following two prompts. The essay should be at least ONE page long.   Writing Prompt One: Think of a force of nature that you have experienced. Write your own essay that completely describes the scene and how it affected you. Possible suggestions are these: a. An ice stormb. A floodc. A tornadod. A hurricane e. A riptide in the oceanf. A thunderstormg. A snowstormh. A heat wave Writing Prompt Two: The author of â€Å"Summer Wind† describes a quiet day in the life of his farm that he both enjoys and savors. Think about your own experiences and a quiet day that gave you pleasure. When finished with the essay, complete the following procedure with your essay: 1. Circle the images/descriptions that appeal to EACH of the five senses and label each sense visual, hearing, taste, touch, or smell. 2. Underline the main point you are trying to make in your essay; that is, underline the one sentence or two that tells me what you want to say or mean in your essay, the thesis. Name:_______________________________Date:________________Period:____ 0th Grade Literature and Composition (Periods 1, 3, 4, 6 7) Write the following assignment on loose leaf paper and then staple it to this sheet. This assignment needs to be completed by the end of the period. Carefully read the essay titled â€Å"Retreat into the iWorld† and answer the questions below: 1. Where does the author use a â€Å"story† or personal narrative? Where does the author get personal about his life? Copy down the first three words of the sentence of where he begins to do so and copy down the last three words of where the â€Å"story† ends. 2. Copy down the main point of the essay, Technology promises to make our lives easier, freeing up time for leisure pursuits. But the rapid pace of technological innovation and the split-second processing capabilities of computers that can work virtually nonstop have made all of us feel rushed. We have adopted the relentless pace of the very machines that were supposed to simplify our lives, with the result that, whether at work or play, people do not feel like their lives have changed for the better. Adapted from Karen Finucan, Life in the Fast Lane Assignment: Do technological changes that make our lives easier not necessarily make them better? Two pages. Prompt Two Many rare inventions or technical devices have drawbacks, major and minor. Think about an electronic device or innovation that is now available. Choose one and analyze its positive and negative effects. Once you have thought about both the positive and negative effects, choose a side for the following question: â€Å"Technology: harmful or helpful? You decide† Now write your essay, two pages. Some suggested technological products are camera phones, iPods, iPhones, chat rooms, blogs, digital cameras, DVD’s, cell phone ring tones, etc†¦

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Sotah Ritual in Ancient Israel Essay -- Book of Numbers Religion I

The Sotah Ritual in Ancient Israel Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ritual of the sotah from the book of Numbers is a fascinating passage to read in the Hebrew Bible. For one thing, this ritual deals with the idea of a man being able to bring his wife to trial, even if he has no evidence against her. While such an instance might be seen as negative treatment of women, others might explain it as the Israelites’ constant concern over the idea of impurity. Another interesting aspect of the sotah rite is that it is the only example of an ordeal similar to those practiced in other cultures of the Ancient Near East. While other ordeals are told mostly in story form, Num. 5:11-31 is the only instance in which the actual process of an ordeal is laid out point by point. Finally, the ritual merits attention due to its continued practice even after the Temple was destroyed, as is depicted in the Talmud. These reasons and more are evidence as to why this small 20 verse passage has been subject to such scrutiny and study over the co urse of the years. Adultery in the Hebrew Bible The ritual for the â€Å"errant woman† in Numbers 5:11-31 is only one of many instances in the Old Testament that deals with the crime of adultery. The crime is described throughout the books in the Hebrew Bible, such as Genesis 20:6, Lev. 18:20, Ezek. 18:6, Ps. 51:6, and Mal. 3:5. A variety of texts discuss the evil of adultery. The Israelites held the act in such harsh light, that a commandment against committing adultery is found in the Decalogue. This certainly indicates that extra-martial affairs were viewed in a severe manner. In the Hebrew Bible, adultery is considered a capital crime, punishable by the population stoning the adulterous wife and her lover to death. Deut. 22:20 commands this communal punishment in order to â€Å"sweep away evil from Israel.† The question remains as to why this crime was considered to be such a transgression. Several explanations exist to account for the seriousness of the crime. A significant aspect of life in the Ancient Near East was the importance of the family line. One of the most frightening ideas in the Bible is the punishment of karet, an Israelite’s being cut off from the community. This is understood as early death and childlessness, or the death of one’s descendants . Such an event could result from an unfaithful wife conceiving a son with the adulterer. I... ...der: Westview Press,  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1998. McKane, William. â€Å"Poison, Trial by Ordeal, and the Cup of Wrath.† Vetus  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Testamentum. Vol. XXX (1980). McKeating, Henry. â€Å"Sanctions Against Adultery in Ancient Israelite Society with Some Reflection on Methodology in the Study of Old Testament Ethics.† Journal for the Study  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  of the OldTestament. Vol. XVII (Mar. 1979). Milgrom, Jacob. â€Å"A Husband’s Pride, A Man’s Prejudice: The Public Ordeal†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Bible  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Review. Vol. XII. (Aug. 1996). Morgenstern, Julian. â€Å"Trial By Ordeal Among the Semites and in Ancient Israel.†Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hebrew Union College Annual. Vol. II, (1925). Neusner, Jacob. The Talmud of the Land of Israel: An Academic Commentary to 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Divisions, Atlanta: Scholar’s Press, 1998. -----------------. The Talmud of the Land of Israel: A Complete Outline of the 2nd, 3rd, and  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  4th Divisions, Atlanta: Scholar’s Press, 1998. Pardee, Dennis. â€Å"Marim in Num. 5.† Vetus Testamentum. Vol. XXXI (1985). Phillips, Andrew. â€Å"Another Look at Adultery.† Journal for the Study of the Old   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Testament. Vol. XX (July, 1981). Sasson, Jack M. â€Å"Num. 5 and the Waters of Judgment.† Biblische Zeifschrift. Vol. XIV  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  (1972).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Assess the usefulness of functionalist theories in understanding religion today Essay

Functionalists have put forward their perspective on religion and how it benefits both society and the individual starting with how religion brings people together harmoniously, creating social cohesion and a sense of belonging as people believe in the same thing and all abide by the same rules. Religion creates and maintains a value consensus whilst giving society social order. By conforming to religious beliefs this allows us to gain morals and therefore Functionalists see religion as a positive aspect to society. Durkheim defines religion as â€Å"a unified system of beliefs and practices relative to sacred things†. He says all societies divide the world into the sacred and the profane. Sacred are things set apart and forbidden, inspiring feelings of awe, fear and wonder. Profane are ordinary things that have no significance. His view on sacred symbols represents society’s collective consciousness which is the shared norms, values beliefs and knowledge that make social life possible; without such consciousness it would crumble. Participating in shared rituals binds individuals together reminding them that they are a part of a community. Religion defines values as sacred giving the people great power compared to non-believers. Through collective worship society understands the moral bonds that unite them. Durkheim argues that religion functions to reinforce the collective unity or social solidarity of a group. The individual sees religion performing a significant function allowing them to feel a part of society and strengthens us to face life’s trials and motivates us to overcome obstacles that would otherwise overpower us. Durkheim used the religion of Aborigines to develop his argument. He calls their religion ‘totemism’, as each clan of aborigines had a sacred symbol called a totem which was a symbol of their gods and of their society which reinforces their sense of belonging. Therefore, he argues the people are really worshipping society. Like Durkheim Malinowski sees religion as reinforcing social norms and promoting social solidarity. In his view it serves psychological functions for individuals helping them cope with emotional stress that would undermine social solidarity. He argues that death is the main reason for religious beliefs and identifies two types of situations: where the outcome is important but uncontrollable and thus uncertain and at times of life crises events such as birth, death etc. religion helps to minimise disruption. Bellah said civil religions integrates society in ways that individual can’t as it’s able to unite a nation. For example in USA American civil religion involves loyalty to the nation state and belief in God. It is expressed in many ways such as the national anthem and allegiance to the flag. Parsons says that religion helps people to deal with things that are unforeseen and have outcomes that cannot be changed. There are essential functions of religion in society it creates and legitimates society’s values. It achieves this by sacralising core values such as individualism, meritocracy and self-discipline which promotes value consensus. Religion also provides a primary source of meaning answering ultimate questions about life which helps people to adjust to adverse events and maintain stability. However, Durkheim’s analysis has been criticised as he only looked at small pre-industrial societies so his views do not apply to complex modern societies. Also he fails to account for the development of new religions some of which reject the norms and values current at the time, for example the Amish. His analysis was based on flawed evidence as he misunderstood both Totemism and the behaviour of the Aborigines. As a result of Durkheim’s research it could be argued that the Functionalist views of religion are not useful. This is because there may be cultural differences which prevent him from understanding the behaviours displayed in non-western society. Therefore it could lead to results that may be misrepresentative of all viewpoints on religion. His data may not be applicable to today’s society because of the diverse nature of different cultures. Some critics may argue that the Functionalist perspective is outdated and therefore not representative of modern society. They suggest that society needs religion to function and keep social order thus without it society would break down. Although secularisation of religion appears to be occurring society is still functioning. It could also be argued that religion can create conflict and division amongst society, for example there have been several world conflicts due to religious beliefs which highlights that religion does not create social solidarity as the functionalists suggest. Marxists however criticise the functionalist view as they argue religion is a unifying source that strengthens the value consensus and is a feature of all society. They see religion as a feature only of class-divided society. In such a society, there is always the potential for class conflict, and Marx predicted that the working class would ultimately become conscious of their exploitation and unite to overthrow capitalism. This would then mean society being classless in which there would no longer be exploitation, and Marxists see religion as a feature only of a class-divided society. As such, there will be no need for religion in classless society and it will eventually disappear entirely. In the Marxist view, religion operates as an ideological weapon. Religion misleads the poor into believing that their suffering is virtuous and that they will be favoured in the afterlife. Such ideas therefore create a false consciousness. Marx however ignored the positive functions of religion such as psychological adjustment to misfortune. Neo-Marxists see certain forms of religion as assisting not hindering the development of class consciousness.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Personal Story

Daniel Roomer PDP. 7 â€Å"Every man and woman is born into the world to do something unique and something distinctive and if he or she does not do it, It will never be done. † Benjamin E Mays. This is the essence of this whole story. The understanding of such a philosophy eluded me as did it many people of my age at the time; some are not introduced to this concept until they are far into their adulthood. I had been born and raised Into a Christian household with no real father figure for most of my life, although I saw him frequently he was never around enough to really raise me maybe a few bits and pieces of advice and teachings.The real parenting came from my sister mother and grandmother. My mother had a lot of work to do considering she was a lone parent of two and had my Grandmother come live with us from Nicaragua (Central America) a few years prior to my birth and could barely pronounce â€Å"hello†. Because of my mother's long work hours I didn't see her much and the Job of a nurturing loving mother really fell upon my Grandma. Now this doesn't mean my mom didn't love me or TLD show It she Just wasn't as present as my grandmother was because my grandma didn't work and took care of me all day.For thirteen years f my life I was shown love and care by this Incredible woman. Like I said before I grew up in a Christian house hold and my grandmother, mother and sister all had a pretty good understanding and very inclined spirituality so they took it upon themselves to teach me who God was and why he was important and so Important to our everyday lives. I had never questioned what they taught me I just received and didn't think much of It. I was a typical church boy, going to church listening to what the teachers In Sunday school had to say, waking up every morning at eight to get ready, try to live by hat was taught to me etc. Etc. It was never really hard Just do as you were told and keep your mouth shut so it can all be over quicker. Granted I never consciously thought this way but as a child you know you Just want to live In the moment. As you start to reach the age where life starts to show it's struggles and now it's not mommy and daddy making the decisions as much for you, you begin to put forth the things you have learned over the course of you relatively short existence so far.For me that began at about 11 or 12 years old. I began to be a little preacher showing there kids who God was and why he was important just like my family had shown me and considering that I read the bible on my own I had a level of wisdom about the bible, life, history and in general Just overall that most kids didn't possess at my age. In my seventh grade year when I was 12 my grandmother had become very weak. She wasn't the once strong, fun, larger than life grandmother that I was used to having around.Although I knew so much I still wanted to preserve the innocence of a child and expected this to be like all the cartoons I had grown up watching; where nothing ever bad truly happened to the good guys and those around him. I visited my grandmother in the hospital on a regular basis and I began to see how real this situation had become in my life. My grandmother showed misery and sadness in her eyes whenever she had to be seen in her pitiful state, she was skinnier than she had ever been in her life, and was completely drained of the energy she once had.The visits continued for a few months and she had undergone two surgeries. I had now learned what cancer was and what this evil was doing to my grandmother. I was 13 now and one morning during school it hit me that my ornamented wasn't going to make it I had flashbacks of some of the happiest memories I could think of with her. That same day when walking home I saw my sisters, moms, and dads car in the front yard and I thought nothing of it. As I walked into the house I noticed solemn, saddened faces. My father sat me down on my mother's bed and looked me directly in my eyes and told me that my grandmother didn't make it.It didn't take long for the tears to stream down my face and then began wailing frantically as if one of my appendages had been ripped from my body. The news didn't bode well and my grades slipped drastically. I was a vessel of grief wearing fake smiles and laughs Just to avoid anyone asking me what was wrong and the images of my grandmother would rush back to fill my mind. It was at this point where I came to question everything I was ever taught about this God my family, friends, and teachers were so fond of. , the product of my families teachings was now shattered left to rebuild myself how I saw fit. I had always known what the people around me wanted me to follow or what they wanted me to be and in return I blindly followed what they said. Predestined by birth to fulfill what they anted me to do. I wondered, was everything they told me Just crap? Is there really a God who sent his son to die for me so the inhabitants on thi s earth could be saved? Do I really want to do what I'm doing now? If there is such a God why would he take away my source of love?All these questions and more filled my head and now I would search what I would truly follow and what I would do with myself. I started to do my research on religion and other belief systems. I researched many western eastern belief systems, their history, stories, purposes, etc. Etc. Hopefully ending something that would explain why my grandmother died, what happened to her and why did it have to happen to me now. Nothing was helping if anything it made me angrier and resentful toward these principles god's or god these people impossible to actually fulfill as a human being.My impatience grew and months and months of studying brought no results. My grandma died and there was no positive showing itself from it. After a while it Just seemed as if there was no hope, that crap like this Just happens for no reason and no benefit comes from living life with t he fear of this God. Religion throughout history only seemed to result in the demise of man and was a tool of destruction used by those in power. After a few more weeks passed by I recalled the many times I would see my grandmother writing notes in her bible and notebooks, watching preaching's on T.V. And always seeming to enjoy her time this way. To me it seemed strange that it brought so much Joy to my Grandmother to do these things I wondered if it was because she never found out she was being lied to or that she had seen something I had failed to find. I continued my studies but this time on Christianity. I had taken the time to study it through the historical aspect and the perspectives of many and had concluded that it was a broken philosophy but now I would try a different approach.I took my grandmother's bilingual bible and began to read it and study it this time and use her example of what she did with it. During this time my identity began to take form and the pieces were reassembling to make something new. I learned from the stories and teachings of this book combined with the historical knowledge I had of this bible, I could see how a lot of it made sense. It still didn't get e exactly what I needed but it was a start. I still wondered, why a God who did such wonderful things would allow for me to lose someone so essential in my life.I continued onward and started catching onto a very important theme, the relief from suffering. Soon combined with other themes I had learned in the bible it finally hit me. I was a selfish Jerk who failed to realize what was going on cause I was too busy worrying for myself. This God truly loved my grandmother more than I ever did. She had been suffering for so long with so much pain and I still wanted her to be around. I had never Hough that she had gone to heaven to rest and to leave the pain of humanity behind.I found how religion was a manmade tool and that my grandmother had never followed a religion but she foll owed a God willing to die for her on the cross. Man and God can never mix and the guy who can tell me what's going on in the world 2000 + years before my existence is the guy I should be following. I had come to grips with why my grandma died when she did. I was old enough to make my own decisions and wise enough to execute to decisions. With all the knowledge I had learned I finally could have a better understanding of those around me and What God wants me to do with those around me.Although my grandma died her love for me did not and it would guide me and show me how to share the love she demonstrated to me with other people. God never left me, he had his own way to In the end I had made my own identity and now could fulfill my own unique purpose in the world the only thing left was for me to decide to do it. I have chosen to do so and my something unique I was born to do is now coming to fruition. The struggles that come in life always serve a purpose no matter how painful. The c hoice is yours to allow it to hinder or you or push you forward.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Answer the “What’s Your Biggest Weakness” Question in Interviews

How to Answer the â€Å"What’s Your Biggest Weakness† Question in Interviews People typically have a really hard time answering the â€Å"what is your biggest weakness?† question. It goes against all of the self-promotion cramming people do when on the job market. How can I portray myself as the ideal candidate and then start talking about the ways in which I’m not ideal? As it turns out, this is an important question- and one that most interviewees botch. Keep in mind that, first of all, there is no right answer. But you should have a good one all the same.Spin it as a  Growth ExperienceTry rethinking it as an opportunity for you to show how you have faced a particularly large obstacle in the past, and how you learned and grew from that experience. Reframe the question into showing how you deal with your flaws productively, rather than trying to humblebrag and pick a non-flaw (i.e. â€Å"I’m too much of a perfectionist†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ hiring managers see right through this).Use it to Show You’re Not Perfect (It’s Okay!)Con fidence is important, but humility is also. Hiring managers want to see a lot from column A, but also a healthy dose of that little bit of honesty and willingness to confront one’s weaknesses from column B.You know you have weaknesses. So try to figure out a way to A) be honest about them, and B) turn them somehow to your advantage. There are stories out there about candidates who open their cover letters by zeroing in on their potential weaknesses or holes in their resume, rather than trying to bury that lack of experience in their resumes. Think along the lines of: â€Å"At first glance, I know I’m not the candidate you’ve envisioned.† That sort of opening salvo of honesty will certainly grab a hiring manager’s attention, and it will give you a chance to frame your candidacy in the best possible light (i.e. â€Å"But†¦ I am uniquely qualified because†¦.†).Explain That You Are Always Fine-TuningRemember that admitting your inadequ acies doesn’t show that you’re inadequate. Quite the contrary. It usually shows that you are self-aware, and that you take the time to examine the parts of your success-machine that are in need of tune-ups or replacements. That you are constantly trying to improve. That’s often the kind of quality that any employer would be very keen to have in an employee.So prepare. But don’t go into an interview with a canned response. Come up with something that can segue into a story of overcoming obstacles, and keep it work related. Show you’re human, but hardworking, and you’ll never be on the wrong end of this ubiquitous interview question again.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Learn About the Atlantic Island Territory of Bermuda

Learn About the Atlantic Island Territory of Bermuda Population: 67,837 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: HamiltonLand Area: 21 square miles (54 sq km)Coastline: 64 miles (103 km)Highest Point: Town Hill at 249 feet (76 m) Bermuda is an overseas self-governing territory of the United Kingdom. It is a very small island archipelago located in the northern Atlantic Ocean about 650 miles (1,050 km) off the coast of North Carolina in the United States. Bermuda is the oldest of the British overseas territories and according to the United States Department of State, its largest city, Saint George, is known as the oldest continuously inhabited English-Speaking settlement in the Western Hemisphere. The archipelago is also known for its prosperous economy, tourism and subtropical climate.History of BermudaBermuda was first discovered in 1503 by Juan de Bermudez, a Spanish explorer. The Spanish did not settle the islands, which were uninhabited, at that time because they were surrounded by dangerous coral reefs which made them difficult to reach.In 1609, a ship of British colonists landed on the islands after a shipwreck. They remained there for ten months and sent a variety of reports on the islands back to Engl and. In 1612, the king of England, King James, included what is present-day Bermuda in the Charter of the Virginia Company. Shortly thereafter, 60 British colonists arrived on the islands and founded Saint George.In 1620, Bermuda became a self-governing colony of England after representative government was introduced there. For the rest of the 17th century however, Bermuda was mainly considered an outpost because the islands were so isolated. During this time, its economy was centered on shipbuilding and the trading of salt.The slave trade also grew in Bermuda during the territorys early years but it was outlawed in 1807. By 1834, all slaves in Bermuda were freed. As a result, today, the majority of Bermudas population is descended from Africa.Bermudas first constitution was drafted in 1968 and since then there have been several movements for independence but the islands still remain a British territory today.Government of BermudaBecause Bermuda is a British territory, its governmental s tructure resembles that of British government. It has a parliamentary form of government that is considered a self-governing territory. Its executive branch is made up of a chief of state, Queen Elizabeth II, and a head of government. Bermudas legislative branch is a bicameral Parliament composed of the Senate and the House of Assembly. Its judicial branch is made up of the Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and Magistrate Courts. Its legal system is also based on English laws and customs. Bermuda is divided into nine parishes (Devonshire, Hamilton, Paget, Pembroke, Saint Georges, Sandys, Smiths, Southampton and Warwick) and two municipalities (Hamilton and Saint George) for local administration.Economics and Land Use in BermudaAlthough small, Bermuda has a very strong economy and the third highest per capita income in the world. As a result, it has a high cost of living and high real estate prices. Bermudas economy is mainly based on financial services for international businesses, luxury tourism and the related services and very l ight manufacturing. Only 20% of Bermudas land is arable, so agriculture does not play a large role in its economy but some of the crops grown there include bananas, vegetables, citrus and flowers. Dairy products and honey are also produced in Bermuda.Geography and Climate of BermudaBermuda is an island archipelago located in the northern Atlantic Ocean. The closest large landmass to the islands is the United States, specifically, Cape Hatteras, North Carolina. It consists of seven main islands and hundreds of small islands and islets. The seven main islands of Bermuda are clustered together and are connected via bridges. This area is called the Island of Bermuda.Bermudas topography consists of low hills that are separated by depressions. These depressions are very fertile and they are where the majority of Bermudas agriculture takes place. The highest point on Bermuda is Town Hill at just 249 feet (76 m). The smaller islands of Bermuda are mainly coral islands (about 138 of them). Bermuda has no natura l rivers or freshwater lakes. The climate of Bermuda is considered subtropical and it is mild most of the year. It can be humid at times however and it receives abundant rainfall. Strong winds are common during Bermudas winters and it is prone to hurricanes from June to November because of its position in the Atlantic along the Gulf Stream. Because the islands of Bermuda are so small however, direct landfall of hurricanes is rare. Bermudas most damaging hurricane to date was the category 3 Hurricane Fabian which hit in September 2003. Most recently, in September 2010, Hurricane Igor moved toward the islands.More Facts about Bermuda The average cost of a home in Bermuda exceeded $1,000,000 by the mid-2000s. Bermudas main natural resource is limestone which is used for building. Bermudas official language is English.ReferencesCentral Intelligence Agency. (19 August 2010). CIA - The World Factbook - Bermuda. Retrieved from: https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/bd.htmlInfoplease.com. (n.d.). Bermuda: History, Geography, Government, and Culture- Infoplease.com. Retrieved from: infoplease.com/ipa/A0108106.html#axzz0zu00uqsbUnited States Department of State. (19 April 2010). Bermuda. Retrieved from: state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/5375.htmWikipedia.com. (18 September 2010). Bermuda - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bermuda

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Irelands Big Wind, 1839

Ireland's Big Wind, 1839 In rural Irish communities of the early 1800s weather forecasting was anything but precise. There are many tales of people who were locally revered for accurately predicting turns in the weather. Yet without the science we now take for granted, weather events were often viewed through the prism of superstition. One particular storm in 1839 was so peculiar that rural folk in the west of Ireland, stunned by its ferocity, feared it could be the end of the world. Some blamed it on the â€Å"fairies,† and elaborate folk tales sprang from the event. Those who lived through the â€Å"Big Wind† never forgot it. And for that reason the horrendous storm became, seven decades later, a famous question formulated by the British bureaucrats who ruled Ireland. The Great Storm Battered  Ireland Snow fell across Ireland on Saturday, January 5, 1839. Sunday morning dawned with cloud cover that amounted to a typical Irish sky in winter. The day was warmer than usual, and the snow from the night before began to melt. By midday it began to rain heavily, and the precipitation coming in off the north Atlantic slowly spread eastward. By early evening heavy winds began to howl. And then on Sunday night an unforgettable fury was unleashed. Hurricane force winds began to batter the west and north of Ireland as a freak storm roared out of the Atlantic. For most of the night, until just before dawn, the winds mauled the countryside, uprooting large trees, tearing thatched roofs off houses, and toppling barns and church spires. There were even reports that grass was torn off hillsides. As the worst part of the storm occurred in the hours after midnight, families huddled in total darkness, terrified by the relentless howling winds and sounds of destruction. Some  homes caught fire when the bizarre winds blasted down chimneys, throwing hot embers from hearths throughout cottages. Casualties and Damage Newspaper reports claimed that more than 300 people were killed in the wind storm, but accurate figures are difficult to pin down. There were reports of houses collapsing on people as well as houses burning to the ground. There’s no doubt there was considerable loss of life as well as many injuries. Many thousands were made homeless, and the economic devastation inflicted on a population that was nearly always facing famine must have been massive. Stores of food meant to last through the winter had been destroyed and scattered. Livestock and sheep were killed in vast numbers. Wild animals and birds were likewise killed, and crows and jackdaws were nearly made extinct in some parts of the country. And it must be kept in mind that the storm struck in a time before government disaster response programs existed. The people affected essentially had to fend for themselves. The Big Wind In a Folklore Tradition The tural Irish believed in the â€Å"wee people,† what we think of today as leprechauns or fairies. And tradition held that the feast day of a particular saint, Saint Ceara, which was held on January 5, was when these supernatural beings would hold a great meeting. As the mighty wind storm had struck Ireland on the day after the feast of Saint Ceara, a storytelling tradition developed that the wee people held their grand meeting on the night of January 5, and decided to leave Ireland. As they left the following night, they created the Big Wind. Bureaucrats Used  The Big Wind as a Milestone The night of January 6, 1839 was so profoundly memorable that it was always known in Ireland as the Big Wind, or The Night of the Big Wind. The Night of the Big Wind forms an era, explained a reference book published in the early 20th century. Things date from it: such and such a thing happened before the Big Wind, when I was a boy. A quirk in Irish tradition was that birthdays were never celebrated in the 19th century, and no special heed was given to precisely how old someone was. Records of births were often not kept very carefully by civil authorities. This creates problems for genealogists today (who generally have to rely on church parish baptismal records). And it created problems for bureaucrats in the early 20th century. In 1909 the British government, which was still ruling Ireland, instituted a system of old age pensions. When dealing with the rural population of Ireland, where the written records might be scant, the ferocious storm that blew in from the north Atlantic 70 years earlier proved to be useful. One of the questions asked of elderly people was if they could remember the Big Wind. If they could, they qualified for a pension.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

FedEx Express Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

FedEx Express - Essay Example FedEx started its business long back in 1997 as a logistics services company which specialization was import/ export division with the name FDX. But it started its full operation in 1998 after the acquisition of Caliber System Inc. After that it started ground services with express shipping. Caliber handled the small package ground service and RPS; Viking Freight handled the less than truck loads throughout the western United States, Roberts Express handled the shipping services, airfreight services between Caribbean and United States handled by Caribbean Transportation Services. For technology solutions it got help from Caliber Logistics and Caliber Technology. Later in 2000 FedEx bought Tower Group International which was a logistics services company working internationally and WorldTariff which was a tax and customs duty organization. And then merged those two organizations, and form FedEx Trade Network. (FedEx Express, 2013) The main line of business of the FedEx Express: Later i n 2004 FedEx Corp takes over Kinko’s Inc. and set up FedEx Kinko’s. After this merging FedEx not only became a logistics provider for organizations but it enhance its operation to the individual public. After that all the FedEx Kinko retail stores starts offering shipping exclusively but later in 2008 FedEx exclude Kinko’s name from its name and made it FedEx Office. During 2004, FedEx bought Parcel Direct and renamed it as FedEx SmartPost. FedEx Express is an airline service which only dealt with cargo. In terms of freight tons it is the largest airline of the world and in terms of size of the fleet the fourth largest airline of the world. Names of the countries in which the FedEx operates: FedEx Express served to 375 destinations every day to almost all the countries. As the largest express transportation company of the world it headquarters in Memphis International Airport except that in United States of America its national hub is in Indianapolis Internation al Airport. Other regional hubs in United States of America are Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport, Oakland International Airport, Newark Liberty International Airport, Fort Worth Alliance Airport and Miami International Airport. Outside of United States of America other regional headquarters are like Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport, Toronto Person International Airport and Cologne Bonn Airport. Another airport which was about to open for FedEx Express was Piedmont Triad International Airport. 4P's marketing mix concept by the FedEx: Competition: Competitors for FedEx are ARAMEX, BAX Global, Choice Logistics, DHL Express, Purolator Courier, TNT N.V., United Parcel Service etc. Other freight competitors for FedEx Express in international market are like DHL, UPS (United Postal Service) from United States. And from foreign countries like Deutsche Post, TNT N.V. Except them others are like freight forwards, and other passengers and cargo airlines. Many competitors of FedEx are government controlled or subsidized organizations. Because of that those organizations have better resources; costs of services are low, low profit margin and favors regarding government policies and rules-regulations. Target market: FedEx made a seven year contract in

Friday, October 18, 2019

George Whitefield Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

George Whitefield - Essay Example He moved the masses as no-one before him and hardly anyone since. His life is filled with instruction for Christians today." He spoke to some ten million people, and it is said his voice could be heard a mile away. It is estimated that throughout his life, he preached more than 18,000 formal sermons and if less formal occasions are included, that number might rise to more than 30,000. In addition to his ministry in Great Britain (for 24 years) and America (for 9 years), he made 15 journeys to Scotland, 2 to Ireland, and one each to Bermuda, Gibraltar, and The Netherlands (Armstrong 9, 22). He may have been the best-known Protestant in the whole world during the eighteenth century. Certainly he was the single best-known religious leader in America of that century, and the most widely recognized figure of any sort in North America before George Washington (Noll 91). Early years in England. George Whitefield was born in the Bell Inn where his father, Thomas, was a wine merchant and innkeeper. It was the largest and finest establishment in town, and its main hall had two auditoriums, one of which was used to stage plays. But when he was only two tragedy struck this young prosperous family, George's father died (Dallimore I 17-19; Armstrong 12). When the lad was 8 years of age his mother remarried, but the union was tragic, and the inn was almost lost due to financial difficulties. While the other children worked, George's mother saw his ability and made sure he attended the St. Mary de Crypt Grammar School in Gloucester from the age of 12. He was a gifted speaker, had a great memory, and often acted in the school plays, he was proficient in Latin and could read new Testament Greek. However, at the age of 15 George had to drop his studies and worked for a year and a half to help support the family. It seemed tragic, but it was a good experience for George to experience real life. He learned to associate with people from all ranks of society, he worked by day and at night, he read the Bible and dreamed of going to Oxford. In time the husband left, and George's older brother took back control of the inn. But there was no longer any money to send George to college with. For a time he and his mother were heartbroken. But over t ime they learned that he could go to Oxford as a "servitor," and at age 17 he left for the University with great eagerness. In 1732 he entered Pembroke College at Oxford in November. As a "servitor" he lived as a butler and maid to 3 or 4 highly placed students. He would wash their clothes, shine their shoes, and do their homework. A servitor lived on whatever scraps of clothing or money they gave him. He had to wear a special gown and it was forbidden for students of a high rank to speak to him. Most servitors left rather than endure the humiliation. In 1733, George became a member of the Holy Club led by John and Charles Wesleys (this group of students followed certain "methods" for religion, that were centered on careful reading of the Bible). His mates at Pembroke College had begun to call Whitefield a "Methodist," which was the derogatory word they used to describe members of the Holy Club. To other students their disciplined way of life looked foolish, and the word "Methodist" implied that they lived by a mindless method, like windup robots (Dallimore I 21-49). Charles Wesley loaned him a book, "The Life of God in the Soul of Man",

Johnny Juneau Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Johnny Juneau Case - Essay Example To begin with the defense of Johnny, it is important to stress the elements of a crime. Crime should constitute actus reus and mens rea or the intention and execution of such unlawful act. The mistake of information shall also be invoked to profess that it was never an intention of Johnny to defraud the gas station that prompted the owner to file theft charges against Johnny. The actual act of the crime is actus reus. It was derived from the principle stated by Edward Coke that stated actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea,  which means: "an act does not make a person guilty unless (their) mind is also guilty". Such, the guilt of a crime requires culpability and proof of fault both in intent and act. Following the principles of actus reus, criminal act is committed by doing it, omission and possession. Acting on a crime meant a â€Å"bodily movement whether voluntary or involuntary† to consummate the crime (Robinson v. California,  370  U.S.  660, 1962). Applying this principle to Johnny, the alleged criminal charge of murder was not a product of his bodily movement. Omission pertains to the failure to act the necessary bodily movement that resulted to harm which in Johnny’s case, the electrocution of his neighbor of which he was charged for being responsible of the neighbor’s death. ... For the act to be exempted from voluntary act that would constitute the culpability of actus reus, exemption falls under the following elements; 1. A reflex or convulsion; 2. A bodily movement during unconsciousness or sleep; 3. Conduct during hypnosis or resulting from hypnotic suggestion; 4. A bodily movement that otherwise is not a product of the effort or the determination of the actor, either conscious or habitual. Mens rea as a component of crime on the other hand is the intent, process or planning to commit the crime. It is the deliberative aspect of committing a crime which in Johnny’s case must be satisfied to qualify the electrocution of his neighbor as murder. To illustrate actus reus and mens rea, we would be compelled to cite an example to differentiate these two concepts. Planning to kill or rob as a mens rea is not a crime until it acted upon (mens rea). These two concepts when linked together constitute a crime that often leads to conviction. a. Defense on murd er charge The death through electrocution of Johnny’s neighbor was never intentional. In no circumstance did Johnny demonstrate intent, deliberation or any motivation to inflict harm or death to the neighbor. In fact, Johnny was even grateful for borrowing the ladder. In fact, Johnny Juneau himself could have been killed by the unfortunate incident because he was still using the ladder on his way down when it touched an uninsulated part of the gas store’s sign that made it electrified. There was no way Johnny could have known that would happen.   Yet, he is still charged with murder on the ground that his behavior led to the electrocution of his neighbor that falls on the ground of omission of actus

Thursday, October 17, 2019

To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

To Kill a Mocking Bird - Essay Example Racism refers to the belief that there are differences in the ethnic groups on the basis of people’s characters, abilities and status. Racism, hence, classifies people in different groups and considers some races as superior to the others. The concept of racism is losing its colour. It is, however, not justifiable to believe that racism has been eliminated completely from the society. The literature is full of such works which identify the instances of racism in the society from the 20’s till now. Throughout history there have been many forms of racism against different groups of people. One way we can really know is by the writers word in literature or school books. One way has been exposed is in "To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee in which she depicts the racial problems of the Deep South in 1930 (Thernstrom 1997; Claudia 1994; Lee 1960). In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses many characters in the book, including Atticus, Jem, Scout and Tom to convey the major t hemes of the story regarding courage, racism and stereotyping to the reader. The story clearly describes the issue of racism as it was in the 1920s and 1930s in America. It is a story which revolves around a black named Tom Robinson who is accused of raping a girl which he has not even done. Racism can be seen in the very core of the theme of the story. The story shows that blacks have always been treated inferior to other races and because of their ethnicity and colour they have always been blamed for things that they have not even done (Lee 1960). The story shows how a town gets one sided when it comes to the issue of rape of a girl by a black. The black named Tom Robinson provides with enough evidence that he is not committed the crime but no one believes him because of his colour. The treatment of Tom Robinson in the story can clearly tell that the jury was being biased only because he was a black. Not only this but racism is also showed in the words of the characters in the sto ry. As at one instance Scout clearly states that â€Å"He’s just a nigger’ (Lee 1960). Racism as practiced in the society against blacks is seen in the courtroom as told by Lee. This can be clearly seen in the character of Mr Gilmer when he cross examines Tom Robinson. It is seen how Mr Gilmer makes a mockery out Tom’s story. It is seen that even the judge is not objecting to Tom Robinson’s treatment by Mr Gilmer. These racist comments passed by the lawyer against Tom Robinson clearly depict the theme of racism as being practiced in the society against the blacks. Similarly Stereotyping also can be witnessed here as the judges in the courtroom were not paying any particular heed to Tom Robinson’s plea as blacks automatically are considered to be criminals. Therefore it can be said that Chapter 19 is the amalgamation of all these themes together to give out a masterpiece which co-relates the judgment and the main theme of the whole story (Lee 1960; Thernstrom 1997). The story tells as to how stereotyping against the blacks or inferior class is being done in the society and how it is actually affecting the lives of many individuals living in this world. An example of stereotyping is the way people think about Dolphus Raymond without even knowing him. For example in chapter 20 Scout says â€Å"somehow, I didn’t think Atticus would like it if we became friendly with Mr. Raymond, and I knew Aunt Alexandra wouldn’

Work placement report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Work placement report - Essay Example Structurally, ARP consists of a senior group of directors which govern the activities of mid-level managers. It is typically a top-down hierarchy where decisions about how to provide community support and the internal activities of workers and volunteers are created. ARP consists of a centralised business structure where decision-making is generated in middle-layers and higher levels of management. The senior leadership coordinates the different programmes in use to provide alcohol treatment and housing services and these decisions outline the generic activities of lower-level support employees on a daily basis. Middle level managers generally gather insight from the lower level support groups for any internal changes to programmes which are of concern, making the organisation more efficient internally. ARP also provides training to its workers in the areas of alcohol prevention so that they are equipped with the social and psychological skills necessary to assist what are considered to be at risk groups. In the process of providing alcohol treatment and housing support services, generic community counselling is necessary which suggests the importance of having a positive view on racial, age and gender diversity as well. These support workers also provide the majority of the prevention literature when those in need of treatment need statistics or encouragement. What does all of this spell out? ARP seeks to be creative in its efforts to provide treatment to those in need by creating an environment where care is an organisation-wide initiative in order to assist people in becoming independent of reliance on alcohol. This is done through innovation, a company which appears to be focused on surpassing excellence in this area, and efforts to enhance community relationships. The clients of ARP include certain at risk groups and groups which are currently seeking alcohol treatment or support housing, including ex-military citizens. In many ways,

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

To Kill a Mocking Bird Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

To Kill a Mocking Bird - Essay Example Racism refers to the belief that there are differences in the ethnic groups on the basis of people’s characters, abilities and status. Racism, hence, classifies people in different groups and considers some races as superior to the others. The concept of racism is losing its colour. It is, however, not justifiable to believe that racism has been eliminated completely from the society. The literature is full of such works which identify the instances of racism in the society from the 20’s till now. Throughout history there have been many forms of racism against different groups of people. One way we can really know is by the writers word in literature or school books. One way has been exposed is in "To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee in which she depicts the racial problems of the Deep South in 1930 (Thernstrom 1997; Claudia 1994; Lee 1960). In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses many characters in the book, including Atticus, Jem, Scout and Tom to convey the major t hemes of the story regarding courage, racism and stereotyping to the reader. The story clearly describes the issue of racism as it was in the 1920s and 1930s in America. It is a story which revolves around a black named Tom Robinson who is accused of raping a girl which he has not even done. Racism can be seen in the very core of the theme of the story. The story shows that blacks have always been treated inferior to other races and because of their ethnicity and colour they have always been blamed for things that they have not even done (Lee 1960). The story shows how a town gets one sided when it comes to the issue of rape of a girl by a black. The black named Tom Robinson provides with enough evidence that he is not committed the crime but no one believes him because of his colour. The treatment of Tom Robinson in the story can clearly tell that the jury was being biased only because he was a black. Not only this but racism is also showed in the words of the characters in the sto ry. As at one instance Scout clearly states that â€Å"He’s just a nigger’ (Lee 1960). Racism as practiced in the society against blacks is seen in the courtroom as told by Lee. This can be clearly seen in the character of Mr Gilmer when he cross examines Tom Robinson. It is seen how Mr Gilmer makes a mockery out Tom’s story. It is seen that even the judge is not objecting to Tom Robinson’s treatment by Mr Gilmer. These racist comments passed by the lawyer against Tom Robinson clearly depict the theme of racism as being practiced in the society against the blacks. Similarly Stereotyping also can be witnessed here as the judges in the courtroom were not paying any particular heed to Tom Robinson’s plea as blacks automatically are considered to be criminals. Therefore it can be said that Chapter 19 is the amalgamation of all these themes together to give out a masterpiece which co-relates the judgment and the main theme of the whole story (Lee 1960; Thernstrom 1997). The story tells as to how stereotyping against the blacks or inferior class is being done in the society and how it is actually affecting the lives of many individuals living in this world. An example of stereotyping is the way people think about Dolphus Raymond without even knowing him. For example in chapter 20 Scout says â€Å"somehow, I didn’t think Atticus would like it if we became friendly with Mr. Raymond, and I knew Aunt Alexandra wouldn’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Political Economy (Canada and the Global Political Economy) Essay - 1

Political Economy (Canada and the Global Political Economy) - Essay Example What are the arguments supporting and against globalization? Is it possible for Canada to make free trade and globalization benefit all stakeholders in the country? In support for globalization, Lynch (2010) points out that globalization and free trade has increased the economic opportunities in developing countries. Free trade increases the ability for foreign companies to venture into new countries. For developing countries, foreign companies increase employment opportunities for both foreigner and locals. This minimizes competition in the job market. On the other hand, free trade increase the export opportunities for developing countries. Consequently, this fosters the growth of local companies. Globalization also expand the business opportunities in both developed and developing countries. Developing countries are provided with advanced technology and experience in creating products that are desired and significant in the global market. The exchange of technology improves the potential of local companies to compete fairly with international corporations (Lynch, 2010). Lynch (2010) is of the assumption globalization and free trade make developed nations take advantage of developing countries. In free trade, developed countries have more than enough products and services to export to developing countries. Consequently, developing countries have it difficult to develop their own product since their local market are dominated with imports. The increase in imports also require the import of foreign workers. This increases unemployment competition. Globalization also increases the level of labor requirements in developing countries. For this reason, the market is required to pay less for labor services. This is also influenced by the fact that globalization and free trade increase the number of foreign employees. This creates disharmony in the domestic employment market. Canada

Monday, October 14, 2019

The Rising Problem of Water Essay Example for Free

The Rising Problem of Water Essay Although water is â€Å"the commonest molecular compound† (Crystal, 1990) there is a rising problem concerning its purity. We can’t reach for the nearest stream and draw water for a drink the way people did before. Today, water is for sale. Water’s scarcity and depletion, lack of sanitation and pollution, inequalities in distribution, problems caused by dam projects, to extravagant use or mismanagement and even cross-border conflict, etc. (Godrej, 2003) account for the crises that governments are dealing with regards to water. Though water is foundational to life, e.g. part of our physical component, and as experts say it â€Å"occurs in all living organisms† (Crystal, 1990), truth is, the world faces a water crisis. Before pointing to big companies/factories and relegate to them the reason for this crisis, we are all delinquent when it comes to the management and the use of water. When one’s use of water is too much or â€Å"beyond the rate† of normal use, the hydrological cycle is being put in danger (Godrej, 2003). The hydrological cycle is so arranged as to allow for replenishing. When there is overuse, replenishing becomes difficult and depletion and pollution follow. Water like those in oceans and rivers, usually have natural pollutants, but only enough to be purified by the natural hydrological cycle. The main culprit for water pollution is man whose human activities are the causes of localized pollution. â€Å"Heavy metals, oil spills, and bacteria,† (Barnes-Svarney, 1996) are all contaminants which are results of human abuses. References 1. Crystal, David. 1990. Water H2O. The Cambridge Encyclopaedia. Cambridge University Press, p. 1285. 2. Godrej, Dinar. 2003. Crisis and challenge. Precious fluid. New Internationalist magazine, volume 354, pp. 9-12. 3. Barnes-Svarney, Patricia. 1996. The New York Public Library Science Desk Reference, p. 472.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Performance Management At Hewlett Packard Commerce Essay

The Performance Management At Hewlett Packard Commerce Essay   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hewlett-Packard is believed to be one of the most popular companies in the universe. It markets all over the world and distinct locations. Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard founded HP in the year 1939. The company has its own philosophy to attain success and stand different from its competitors in the market. Management by Objectives (MOB) is one of the successful trends carried out by HP Company to measure its performance management and appraisal system. Therefore many companies were following this method for evaluating their performance management. The objective of this report is to identify the performance management effectiveness and frequency of appraisal and also recognize the strength and limitations at HP Company and to make recommendations regarding their limitations and possible ways to overcome them (Armstrong 2005). Hewlett-Packard   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Hewlett-Packard (HP) is a multinational company marketing allover the world. The company offers a wide range of consumer and IT products such as personal computers, Laptops, printing machines and services, Ink, Toner paper, Monitors, Accessories and softwares, Scanners, Smart Phones etc. The HP Way   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The HP way is not entirely different from other companys management philosophy. But the company has got its own principles and management frame implemented by its founders in approaching the top to bottom level management in distinct way. It implies that the company should trust and respect every individual and they believe in their employees intelligence leads to company success and they followed decentralized system (Peter Burrows business week 2004). This leads HP Company to retain the second top most places in the hardware industry globally (Hardware Top 100 2010). System Aim Performance management is a process carried out by organizations in order to attain the organization goals by identifying their employees performance individually and in teams (Armstrong Baron, 2005). The management levels may differ from organizations to organizations thus every management has its own performance appraisal system to identify, support, ascertain problems, develop and appreciation to the employees regard their work performance (Sims 2002a, p. 81). Performance management evaluates the companys performance of the employees, which helps to give effective feedback in order to improve their employees working performance and to succeeded organization targets. The organizations targets are considered to be the long-term goals and to attain that performance appraisal system are to be carried as short-term goals. Controlling process, which is the most important role of any organization to monitor the individual employees performance and this helps to compare the employees per formance and to analyses the overall management performance (Sims, 2002a). The basic need for controlling system is to initiate performance principles, observing performance of the employees and comparing it with the primary principles framed by the organization and finally taking required action to manage the performance. Hewlett-Packard applies the quality management therefore their organizations aim and objective is concerned about the ultimate customers. Therefore, HP employees practice the scheme called Management by Objectives (MOB). This scheme has structured the company objectives into two elements as long-term objectives and short-term objectives. These objectives were discussed between their distinct management levels that are communicating the performance criteria with the individual employees and as department vise were negotiated. The Management by Objective (MOB) scheme finds how the employees complete their task successfully, which indicates the process of mentoring and coaching. This process is made efficient by interconnecting the monitoring process at all levels throughout the HP Company. MOB also involves in the strategic planning of HP Company as a part that describes the aim or goal of the company. The companys top management involves in performance management system and introduces the performance appraisal process to the employees and given chances to fix their goals. Even the workers at bottom management level are encouraged to participate in the process of decision making by suggesting their views for attaining targets successfully this process is carried out for every six months between all levels. The Mobs objectives are to serve as day-to-day to help in making decision for tremendous growth of the company. Dave Packard believe in if HP made every individuals understanding their company objectives and goals and what the company planning for, then they could easily get every employees narrow attention towards attaining the goal. This is known as the HP Way. Frequency of Appraisal:   It is a process of identifying the employees characteristics during the working period that basically indicates quantitative and also qualitative features of management performance. This can be identified by adopting certain appraisal methods in order to find how the employees work efficiently and perfectly. Accordingly performance appraisal has goal setting and performance evaluation as arching targets. These targets are combined because of the performance management criteria used by the managers/supervisor in order to encourage the employees by giving proper command about how to transfer results to compete distinct levels of performance. 1. Goal Setting In HP Company they traditionally practice the HP Way, according to it they give respect and importance to each individual employee, therefore people in top-to-bottom level management have determined their goals. According to Bill Hewlett (co-founder of HP) a organizations performance should be measured by setting up of Goals also that should be measurable in both qualitative and quantitative terms for efficient management performance (mystrategicplan). 2. Performance Evaluation In Hewlett-Packard, the performance evaluation method is implemented as a basic development device. The company conducts frequent meetings by mixed up with all level of management people at one roof to evaluate about the management performance quarterly. According to the HP Way the employees are given full freedom to place their requests and ideas in the meeting and their suggestions are strongly supported. They practice an informal way of approaching to the analysis the performance of its management by giving feedbacks to the employees on an ongoing basis. This reflects and made the company to introduce 360-degree and MOB appraisal method as measuring the companys performance. Method of Appraisal Management of Objectives In HP Company their managements performance is analyzed by carrying out the management of objectives appraisal method. Through this method the company find their employees rating during the work time and those who attain top rating are awarded with promotions and offers on the other hand the employees who got poor performance rating will be taken necessary actions to make them correct accordingly. This appraisal scheme followed by the Hewlett-Packard Company measures both the qualitative and quantitative aspects of their employees performance. The company follows a quality management hence their objectives

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Censorship Essay - Dont Censor Child Pornography -- Argumentative Per

Don't Censor Child Pornography      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In November of 1997 a Williamson County, Tenn. grand jury indicted Barnes & Noble booksellers for violating state obscenity laws prohibiting the display of "material harmful to minors". The materials in question were two books that featured photographs of nude children: Jock Sturges' Radiant Identities and David Hamilton's The Age of Innocence. Since then, Radical Right activist Randall Terry has launched a crusade aimed at forcing bookstores to remove the "criminal garbage" of Sturges, Hamilton and (recently added to his list of demons) Sally Mann from their bookshelves (bookweb). To implement his program Terry issued a call to Right sympathizers, urging them to march into bookstores and tear offensive pages from the targeted books. Several bookstores around the country fell prey to Terry's vandals. In response to these incidents and the threat of future public vandalism, Barnes & Noble recently issued a memo to each of its 1000+ stores directing them to place t he contested materials under lock and key, and to allow customers to view them only in the presence of a store manager (apocalypse 9709).    This response is upsetting. It is upsetting because it means that, in several significant ways, Terry has won. True, no one (as of yet) has put Sturges or the others in jail (as Terry has called for), but the public's right to view the supposed "pornographic" content of their work has been significantly diminished by Barnes & Noble's action. By acknowledging the threat of Terry and his small group of supporters, B&N has reified their claim that the work of the named photographers needs to be segregated from the "decent" public's reach. It installs a technology of surveillance that in... ...ms to me that it would be rather unlikely for a young child to stumble onto the work of a contemporary professional photographer. S/he would have to know something about that photographer, know what his or her work is about, and know how to get to it. This means that, in the case of these photographers, the child would have to know something about nudity, art and photography to want to seek them out. If s/he already knows something about these subjects, then what harm is viewing nude bodies going to have?      Works Cited:    Foucault, Michel, History of Sexuality, Vol I: An Introduction, New York: Pantheon, 1978.      www.bookweb.org/news/btw/905.html    http://apocalypse.berkshire.net/~ifas/fw/9709/terry.html    http://apocalypse.berkshire.net/~ifas/fw/9509/terry.html    www.villagevoice.com/pride/10goldstein.shtml   

Friday, October 11, 2019

Family is an extraordinarily important aspect of my life Essay

My mother, above everyone else in my life, has had a significant influence on me. My mom has said that if the whole world turns their back on you, your family will always be there for you. She has always been there for me. She is an absolutely amazing human being and a great role model. Everyday I see how she handles having four children, manages a household and a career. Through her example, I have learned to make good decisions and be very responsible. My mother inspires me everyday. She has taught me to not only respect other people’s opinions, but to formulate my own opinions as well. She showed me that I can do anything I put my mind to and has told me to always stand up for myself. I started to play soccer when I was in second grade and I came to love it. Years ago when I was playing soccer, I was not getting much playing time during games. I was not one of the strongest players but I played well. I was disappointed about the games and talked to my mom about it. She said rather than her talking to the coach I should remind the coach that I was not getting enough playing time. During the next game I stood by the coach and asked to be put in. It worked. I got more playing time and the coach noticed how well I played. He complimented me on my game and from that point on I didn’t have to ask for more playing time. I am glad that she encouraged me to stand up for myself. From this experience, I learned that in life you have to fight for what you want. My mom has shown me that we should not only take from the community, but also give back. I volunteer with the Girl Scouts and at a local church as much as possible. With my church youth group I have visited a Veteran’s home to talk with the residents and keep them company. We also have done a rake and run where we rake the leaves of elderly or disabled people. I was voted onto a core team by my peers. On the core team I help the advisers lead the group at meetings and volunteer services. Because of my mom’s encouragement, I work extremely hard at school and everything I do. She has inspired me to push myself to the limit and beyond. My mom has taught me to live my life to its fullest. Life is a journey and my mom has taught me many things along the way. College is the next step in my journey and I am going to take everything I have learned along with me. My mom has not only influenced my life, but is my absolute hero. The lessons she has taught me will be instilled in me foreve

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Aspects of Contract and Neglegence for Business Essay

INTRODUCTION This report focuses on the identification of the aspects of contract and negligence for business. There are agreements and contract in every business in recent than before. Verbal agreements are usually no longer used by the businesses. Written agreement in the form of contract is ore preferable to all. But, the profitability of contract is incomplete if the regulations and aspects are unknown. Well acknowledgement of contract in business provides a legal documentation securing the expectations of the parties involved. Contracts work as a safety tool of the resources. On the contrary, negligence is rising into the cornerstone of our system for compensating people for accidental damage and injuries. This is because it allows the courts to award damages in tort in some circumstances where it is not possible to do so in contract. This report will help learners to understand in and all about the contract formation and negligence of contract in businesses. LEARNING OBJECTIVES TASK 1 Understand the essential elements of a valid contract in a business context TASK 2 Be able to apply the elements of a contract in business situations TASK 3 Understand principles of liability in negligence in business activities TASK 4 Be able to apply the principles of liability in negligence in business situations. TASK 1 LO 1.1 Importance of the essential elements required for the formation of a valid contract Offer and Acceptance: The existence of an offer and an acceptance are a process of dissect the procedure of arrangement to decide whether an agreement has been created. Common consent of the parties is necessary of an agreement. Without an agreement, contract is impossible. Consideration: another vital element is consideration of the parties related to the contracted subject. Legal consideration makes the parties form a contract. Capacity: Both or all of the parties need to be capable to deal an agreement. Having mental disorder, under age etc. make incapacities to form a contract. Consent: The understanding would be invalid, if the part doesn’t come without consent. Consent means willingness of the parties. It  might be influenced by several issues. Certainty: It is needed to the subject of the contract be certain. Uncertainty creates ambiguity in the contract. Lawfulness: The subject is important to come into deal or contract legally. Otherwise, it won’t be count as a contract according to the law. LO 1.2 Impact of different types of contract Bilateral and Unilateral Contracts If two parties exchange a shared and equal guarantee that ensures the execution of a gesture, a commitment or a transaction or avoidance from execution of a demonstration or a commitment, concerning each gathering included in the agreement, is called as bilateral contract in the aspects of law. It is also called as a two-sided contract. Unilateral contract is a guarantee provided by one and only gathering. The offeror who offers, guarantees to execute a certain gesture or a commitment if the offeree who accepts the offer, coincides on performing an act that is seen as a lawfully enforceable contract. It usually asks for an acknowledgement from the other gathering to get the agreement executed. As a result, it is an imbalanced contract since just the offeror is certain to the court of law nor the offeree. An important objective of this type of agreement is that, the offeree can’t be sued for refraining, forsaking or actually neglecting to execute his demonstration, since he doe sn’t guarantee anything. If two parties trades a mutual and reciprocal promise that implicates the execution of an act, refraining, abandoning or even failing to execute his act, since he does not promise anything. LO 1.3 Terms in contracts with reference to their meaning and effect CONDITIONS A condition is an important matter of subject which is considered as the basic to the main cause for the formation of agreement. A breach of condition qualifies the harmed party for denying the agreement. WARRANTIES Warranty is a less essential but unavoidable term. It is count as a must to the agreement as it is not fundamental. A warranty gives the harmed party the right to claim harms and the claimed party can’t revoke the agreement. INTERMEDIATE TERMS It is tough to define a term appropriately before time as either a condition or a warranty. A few issues may include a moderate position, in that the term could be surveyed as the outcomes of a break. Considering that a rupture of the term brings about extreme harm, the harmed party will be qualified for coercing the agreement where the break includes minor misfortune, the harmed party’s cures will be limited to harm. TASK 2 LO 2.1 Application of the elements of contract In the law of contract, the offer and acceptance is so conventional and significant. The principles of offer and acceptance include a standard offer, acceptance and correspondence around the two or more parties or people making the agreement is significant. In the given business scenario, it is noticeable that the examples of forming an agreement is when Mr. John was responded the duty of assuring new PC framework. He decided to buy from â€Å"Best Computers†, and marked a business concurrence with that organization for the supply of new machine frameworks. In business concurrence with Best Computers, the terms and conditions of the agreement were not clear enough, and Mr. John signed that contract without a bit regard for the all aspects of the assertion, which created a misery for him and few days later when they neglected to supply the machines on time and most of them were harmed. That happened because of the contractual subjects were not checked properly. The offer must b e unequivocal and immediate to an alternate party to contract. LO 2.2 Application of the law on terms in different contracts The Sale of Goods Act-1979 can be applied in the case of the case between Linda Green and the wholesaler. The act can be applied in the case in the following ways: If Linda Green wants a claim under the Sale of Goods Act, she has several possible ways of resolving the issue depending on the circumstances and on what she wants to be done. Well here the rights are against the wholesaler not the manufacturer as the seller was liable because of the wrong supply of product. The Sale of Goods Act 1979 gives the right to the buyer to get replaced, repaired or refunded if the goods are faulty and it is returned in the time as per the law provides that is 3-4 weeks after purchase depending on the type and nature of the faulty product. So  Linda Green can reject it and get a refund in stipulated time. The retailer must repair or replace faulty goods within a reasonable time. If don’t, Linda will be entitled to claim either a reduction on the purchase price or recision. If the retailer refuses, then the compensation can be claimed by repairing it by someone else and collect the amount ther e of (Simon and Gillian, 2005). But Linda’s claims end up in court, and then she has to prove that the fault was present when she bought the item  and it wasn’t the result of normal wear and tear. But if it is beyond six months, expert opinion is required to prove the faulty product. So given the following situations, Linda Green can easily succeed in claiming for the faulty goods. LO 2.3 Effects of different terms A proper evaluation of the effects of different terms is necessary to proceed with the contract. Here, a situation was given where some terms are noticeable. The followings are some of the terms of John’s contract with the Best Computers: The seller will not carry the risk for any damage or misfortune occurred by any flaw in workstation. Parties are able to cancel the request through a former notice of three days without acquiring any obligation for any misfortune. Value paid by clients is not returnable by the organization at the cancellation of the agreement. These are some essential terms included in John’s contract with the Best Computers. The organization should have been obligated to guarantee the safety of furnishing right machines or any available items without any mischief. The organization should have been responsible to answer for any occurrence. But conditions should be included in the understanding of the agreement. Creating legitimate framework of the canc ellation of agreement is moreover imperative throughout the given contract, but making some terms unnoticed is not lawful, all the terms and conditions involved in an agreement must be well defined and clear enough. TASK 3 LO 3.1 Liability in tort with contractual liability There are some significant differences exist in between the liability in tort and contractual liability. Some among of them are as: †¢ Contractual  obligations are willingly done but tortuous obligations are implemented by law. Contractual obligations give a free choice to enter in a contractual relationship but tortuous obligations provide no choices. †¢ a person is liable to pay or owes a duty only to the contracted party but liabilities in tort means that a person is liable to owe duty to all as not to defame or trespass other’s property. †¢ A historical difference of formation exists in these two. The contractual liability is created from three parts of actions as debt, covenant and sumps while the liabilities in tort are derived from the right of trespass. †¢ Usually liability in contract is strict and unavoidable once formed but the tortuous liability is based on fault. Any fault comes into account in the tortuous liability. It is more like common for everybody of a certain matter. The liability in tort is always paid lame care while the liability in contract is not at all. LO 3.2 Nature of liability in negligence In the given situation, the management of the organization is liable for the harms and injuries caused by the slippery floor of their office and they should also be considerable enough to consider themselves reliable for the damages or harms caused due the faults in their products. Strict obligation is risk without flaw. Recollect strict risk is not categorical obligation and is worth researching of the law on this zone. As depicted prior that tortuous obligation rotates around obligations settled by law. While strict risk is a standard for obligation which may exist in either by a criminal or civil connection. A rule defining strict obligation makes an individual legitimately answerable for the harm and misfortune brought on by his or her enactments and oversights paying little heed to culpability. In the given situation the administration of Best Computer is answerable for the damages and wounds brought about by the tricky floor of their office, and they might as well likewise be s ufficient to view themselves as dependable for the harms or damages initiated due the issues in their items. LO 3.3 Concept and elements of vicarious liability Vicarious liability Vicarious liability refers liability for the torts of others. It arises due to a relationship between the parties. It is a doctrine of English tort law  that imposes strict liability on employers for the wrongdoings of their employees. Generally, an employer will be held liable for any tort committed while an employee is conducting their duties. The vicarious liability provisions of the legislation are only applicable where the alleged discrimination and harassment occurs in connection with the person’s employment. This means the employer may be held vicariously liable for the actions of employees if they have not taken all reasonable steps to prevent the discrimination and harassment from occurring both within the usual work environment and at employer events, such as sponsored seminars, conferences, work functions, Christmas parties, business or field trips. An employer may be vicariously liable for the conduct of: individual employees or groups of employees directors, supervisors or managers workplace participants agents contract workers or people being paid commission a partner of a company harassing another partner Liability of individuals The vicarious liability provisions of the legislation do not preclude individual persons from being held liable for their own discriminatory or harassing behavior in the workplace or in connection with their employment. It may be that both the employer, who has been found to have not taken all reasonable steps to prevent the discrimination and harassment from occurring, and the individual, who is the alleged discriminator or harasser, will be held jointly liable for the behavior. TASK 4 LO 4.1 Application of the elements of the tort of negligence There are several components of negligence that obliges that an offended party illustrates the accompanying four variables. They are: The litigant owed an obligation to the offended party The litigant abused that obligation As a consequence of the respondent’s violation of that obligation, the  offended party endured damage The damage was a sensibly predictable result of the litigant’s activity or inaction In this situation, the innocence is happened when number of people slipped at floor of the Best Computer office. In fact, they may as well inform the wet floor and show people entering to their office premises. LO 4.2 Application of the elements of vicarious liability It is obligatory for the occupier of premises to guarantee the health and security of the individuals working there. In the given situation it was obligation of the Best Computers to guarantee that their office premises are sheltered for its specialists. The risk appropriate in the given situation will be direct liability on the grounds that the administration is specifically obligated for the wounds created at their premises. CONCLUSION It is hoped that this report clarify its purposes of defining and demonstrating the contract and terms and conditions of contract. It also expresses an enough illustration of negligence which is a key fact to the contract. Whatsoever, parties involved within an agreement or contract need to have an well understanding of contract and negligence for every day business dealings which is mentioned in a suitable way in this report. REFERENCES Andrew Burrows,Ewan McKendrick,James Edelman (2007). Cases and materials on the law of restitution 2nd Edition. New York: Oxford University. BPP Professional Education, (2004). Mandatory Unit 5 Common Law I supporting foundation degrees. West Midlands, England: W M Print. Rose, Nelson (2003). Gambling and the Law: Status of Gambling Laws. California: Whittier Law School. MacMilan C. and Stone R., 2012, Elements of a Contract, London University Press. Atiyah P. S., 2000, An Introduction to the Law of Contract, Clarendon. Beatson J., 2010, A Burrows and J Cartwright, Anson’s Law of Contract. OUP (ed 29), London Press. McKendrick E., 2009, Contract Law (ed 4), Palgrave. Peel E. and Treitel G. H., 2011, Treitel on the Law of Contract (ed 13). Sweet and Maxwell. Simon D and Gillian M., 2005., Labour Law, UK. Department of employment and learning, 2004, Individual right of employees, Employment booklet series, UK. Mathews B., 2002, Employer Employee Relationship, Department of labor publications, UK. Wedderburn K. W., 1986, The Worker and the Law (ed 3), Harmondsworth, UK. The Sale of Goods Act, 1979 (online) Available at. Accessed at 9th July, 2014. The Consumer Credit Act-1974. Availabe at Accessed at 9th July, 2014.

Economics Commentary Essay

The article concerns the price war in the airline business in China. Air companies sell tickets at lower than cost price to drive out competitors. The Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) wants to prevent this and will set a price floor for seats on 699 flights. In this commentary I will explain the situation and discuss the consequences of this issue. Air companies try to attract the necessary numbers of passengers to stop their routes from being canceled by the CAAC. Offering discounts is one of the ways to attract people to buy air tickets. In this case, discounts of 70 to 80 percents had been offered to consumers over the last few months, while a regulation made by the NDRC and CAAC in 2004 states that airlines should not sell tickets at less than 45 percent of the nominal price. Although this regulation, China Eastern continued the price war by still giving these huge discounts which were meant to provoke counterattacks from other airlines. Firms usually want to determine prices to maximize profits and one option is predatory pricing. Predatory pricing means that firms cut prices below costs to drive out competitors. As soon as firms have driven out competitors, obtained a bigger market share, they raise the prices again. Predatory pricing makes the industry more concentrated, because there a fewer firms in the market. With other words, the market becomes less competitive and more monopolistic. The CAAC tries to prevent this in order to keep the air business competitive. Options are price floors, as will be explained later. However, travelers are against the idea, as price wars are profitable for them in the short run. They can buy relatively cheap tickets now. Though the tickets will be more expensive in future, in the long run. This happens when the firms have driven out their competitors and have raised their prices again. Then producers will charge higher prices than the normal price and the consumers would therefore be worse off. Although this predatory pricing , also rumors about government intervention made consumers already unhappy. Some insiders have implied that China Eastern used funds injected by the government to subsidize its losses on ticket sales. The reaction of the CAAC was that the government had injected several billion yuan into China Eastern to maintain its daily operations, but not so it could cut ticket prices. The reaction from the travelers on the implementation of a price floor was also negative. A price floor means that a government introduce a minimum price that can be charged for a product. With an implementation of a price floor, the demand will decrease from Q0 to Qd and the price will increase from P0 to Pmin. The firms which are still in the industry will now charge higher prices at lower outputs. They pay more and get less. If the CAAC decides to implement this price floor it causes that there will be a excess supply, the area Pmin-(Qd-Qs) . The costs can be higher than the profits and therefore producers will leave the industry. This will lead to a shift in supply and to less excess supply in the long run as shown in figure 2. Secondly there is a problem with unemployment. By implementing a price floor, unemployment will occur. This is because the supply will shift to left in the long run. There are fewer suppliers and therefore people will get unemployed. People who were working in the area Qd-Q0 will lose their jobs. On the other hand, people who are working in the area 0-Qd will keep their jobs and will gain more. Consumers are obviously not happy with this and some people reacted with statements as, ‘We don’t want to pay extra just to fund some senior manager’s salary’, as mentioned in the article. Predatory pricing is a difficult task to prevent, since price floors do not benefit consumers neither in the short run nor in the long run. The CAAC probably needs to find other regulations and restrictions manners to prevent this ‘malicious competition’.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Banking Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Banking - Case Study Example From this paper it is clear that  in 1927, Congressman Louis McFadden moved a bill that was later enacted into law. This new law allowed commercial banks to spread and open more branches to the extent that was permitted by the laws of the state in which it was operating. This meant that if the laws of a state allowed opening of new branches in any location within the state, then the bank was allowed to do so. In another instance, if a state’s laws allow opening of branches within the current city of location, then a commercial bank was not allowed to open branches in other cities. However, this Act did not allow commercial banks to open branches across different states. This Act had the effect of allowing for geographical growth of commercial banks and they were able to compete with federal-owned banks.As the discussion stresses  the sponsors of this Act were motivated by the events that were happening then in the banking sector. It was after the economy had experienced a crisis in the stock market sector of the economy which was followed by the Great Depression. It had been previously discovered that monies had been borrowed from mainstream commercial banks for speculation purposes in the stock market. After the stock market crisis, many banks went at a loss and it was discovered that there was need to separate the two areas of the trade. The Glass-Steagall Act made into law that commercial banks will only deal with deposits and loans while investment banks will deal with only stock trading.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019


DISNEY MARKETING NUTRITION TO CHILDREN - Case Study Example esity among children in the United States and Europe due to eating fast food that are produced and sold at Disney theme parks and outlets (Bell & Winig, 2009). It was gathered from the case study that more than 65% of Americans are obese and similar trend has been observed in children as well. From studies, it was found that a majority of the advertisements that are aired for influencing children are related to high calorie and fat food items such as, candy, soft drinks, fries and other fast food and sweetened cereals. It was also noticed that when a certain food was endorsed using cartoon characters, children insisted on purchasing those, more for the character than the food. Researches revealed that there was a huge gap between preference of parents and that of children regarding the nature of food. Children preferred eating those foods that their peers preferred, while mothers selected nutritious food for them. The case study also suggests that initially, when Disney sold food and beverages in their entertainment parks and outlets, they had only considered enjoyment entailed with the eatables over the nutrition factor. Therefore, their eatables included ice cream, candy, pizza and pasta. According to Disney, they related food as a lifestyle over a source of nutrition prior to the criticisms (Bell & Winig, 2009). People buy or consume fast food because these food items look attractive and taste good. Moreover, fast food is available at a reasonable cost while the volume is comparatively high. The company can introduce servings of salads and fruits along with basic meal. Introduction of salad along with high calorie meal will help in adding nutrition along with satisfying their taste buds. The company replaces its fast food products with healthier whole meal choices but with reduced variety. On a small scale production, it will be expensive, but if the company integrates suppliers and farmers from different parts of the world who are involved in fresh produce,

Monday, October 7, 2019

Diversity Boing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Diversity Boing - Essay Example Moreover, systemic changes to the way in which the Boeing culture existed and the way in which it currently exists were also required. As a means of tracking these changes and making key observations concerning them, the following analysis will engage the reader with a level of understanding concerning the way in which diversity was motivated and the ways in which it was implemented within Boeing. Further, a brief summary and reflective statement will be provided at the end of this assignment as a means of classifying and categorizing the utility that working as a part of the group dynamic was able to have with regards to better understanding the case study and the many factors associated with it. As Boeing’s upper management and senior stakeholders began to realize that their firm’s hope of long-term success hinged upon the ability to integrate with the outside world, a brief internal audit revealed the fact that diversity within the firm’s design and production elements was ultimately extraordinarily low (Mecham, 2002). As such, in order to appeal to a more broad demographic and come more in line with the globalized nature of an increasingly diverse society and world, Boeing saw the immediate need to seek to diversify its staff. Whereas many firms realize this particular need and slowly make moves to see this happen over time, Boeing initiated an aggressive diversity strategy that hinged upon seeking out the most qualified applicants while keeping in mind the unique levels of diversity that the firm required. This two-pronged approach was effective in the fact that it did not place either ability or diversity as the prime goal for the firm. In such a way, the expertise and focus of the firm was able to be maintained while a subtle yet decisive change to company culture was initiated. Moreover, even a cursory level of analysis with regards to the way in which diversity takes place indicates the fact that sudden rapid changes with regards t o diversity and/or diversity implementation within a culture can oftentimes be negatively received by the stakeholders. Realizing this, Boeing set out to engage a slower and more gradual approach that would seek to replace outgoing talent with a more diverse workforce; while at the same time reinforcing the mores and norms of diversity appreciation within the culture of the firm. This nuanced approach proved to be highly effective as the company was not only able to continue to operate in a profitable manner domestically; it was also able to continue the march towards global success by providing its international clients with the products and services they required. This is a testament to the success of Boeing’s diversity is the fact that the firm championed this goal alongside the vision and mission statements that had already proven to be so effective in helping to garner profitability to the Boeing firm (Holmes, 2003). Without inherently changing the scope of activities an d/or the expertise that it had already accrued over the years of successful business implementation, Boeing was able to chart a somewhat distinct approach to the future. Looking all the way into the present era, it can be noted that Boeing exhibits a very high degree of diversity within an aerospace company that